Scarlett Mitchell » Practice Makes Perfect

Practice Makes Perfect

Want to practice your MATH?
On a computer...                          
  • Go to Clever
  • Practice on Waggle
  • Practice on Moby Max
  • You can also practice by playing Prodigy.
Want to escape the digital world for a bit?
  • Practice multiplication cards or division flash cards. 
  • You can also help your mom cook or bake.  Try doubling or halving a recipe while using measuring cups. 
  • Have your parents quiz you on telling time to the hour, half hour, and minute on an analog clock. 
  • Count actual money (paper and coins).
  1. How is money like fractions and decimals? 
  2. How is an analog clock like fractions? (a quarter 'til? 1/2 past? etc.)
  • Create a grocery list with prices from different stores and compare to find the difference (subtraction). Find coupons and figure out what the actual cost of the item would be if you used coupons.